Pipenv Guide

August 11, 2019 ยท 2 min read

Pipenv is both a package and virtual python environment management tool. It's build on top of virtualenv and Pip - and it's super easy to use.

Setting up project

First, create your project folder. If you already have a project using Pip and requirements.txt you can still follow these steps. To create a new project folder run:

mkdir my-app
cd my-app

Now initialise the Pipenv environment by running:

pipenv install

This will create two files, Pipefile and Pipefile.lock
Pipfile - specifies package requirements of your Python application
Pipfile.lock - states which specific version of the package should be used

Installing packages

To install a package e.g Flask run:

pipenv install flask

To install a package for development e.g pytest run:

pipenv install --dev pytest

Running your project

To run your project, you need to activate your Pipenv environment shell with:

pipenv shell

Then, to exit the shell run:


A cleaner way to run commands using your environment is using run, for example, to run the command 'flask run' you can use :

pipenv run flask run

And that's it! You now know enough to get started with pipenv.